Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 Seriously?

Samsung  Galaxy TabGalaxy tab
Samsung is using the 'Goldilocks' strategy with the new 8.9-inch Galaxy Tab
Clearly, any non-iPad tablet is currently doomed. They’re shifted off to the side in electronics stores (just like Macs used to be) and nobody is buying them. People don’t say “I want a tablet. Let’s go to the store to see what they have.” Nope, people say “I want an iPad.” And then they buy one.
Now, Samsung may have hit on the secret formula, the iPad-killing feature that has until now eluded the best minds in consumer electronics. The seven-inch Galaxy Tab failed. The 10.1-inch Galaxy Tab fared no better. So behold: The Galaxy Tab 8.9. That’s right. Less screen size than an iPad, and less portable than an e-reader. How could it fail?
The other special sauce is LTE, for connecting to all the 4G networks that blanket the world today. The processor is similarly redundant: you get a dual-core chip running at 1.5GHz, so you can enjoy the built-in Adobe Flash plugin stuttering along at a slightly higher frame rate than usual.
Otherwise, not much is new. The screen has a 1280 × 800 resolution, the unit is 8.6mm (0.03 feet) thick and weighs a stout 455 grams (one pound). Expect to see this thing fly off the shelves when it launches (possibly) later this year.

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